Log in to RISE
RISE stands for Registry of IdahoSTARS Eligibility. It’s an online system that allows child care professionals to manage their interactions with IdahoSTARS all in one place.
Before you create your RISE account, please read the following information to ensure the best possible RISE experience.
Do I need an email address to use RISE? Yes, you will use an email address to access your RISE account. We suggest a personal email, so you have easy access to RISE no matter where you are employed.
Will I be able to use RISE on a mobile device? At this stage in development, RISE works best on a computer or tablet.
Does RISE work on all Internet browsers? RISE works best on Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, or Apple Safari. If you need help downloading a browser to use, we can provide guidance.
What are child care providers be able to do in RISE? You can:
What will child care program owners or directors be able to do in RISE? You can:
Ready to get started? Create your RISE account now!
If you already have a RISE account and you're having trouble logging in, email RISEhelp@idahoaeyc.org.