Versión en Español
"La seguridad alimentaria existe cuando todas las personas, en todo momento, tienen acceso físico y económico a alimentos suficientes, seguros y nutritivos para satisfacer sus necesidades dietéticas y preferencias alimentarias para llevar una vida activa y saludable".
“Food security exists when all people, at all times, have physical and economic access to sufficient, safe, and nutritious food to meet their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life.”
The State Plan serves as the State Lead Agency’s (IDHW) application for a three-year cycle of CCDF funds. It is the primary mechanism the Office of Child Care uses to determine Lead Agency compliance with the statute and regulation requirements.
Embark with us on a journey in coaching in early childhood education. A coaching experience is like being guided on an adventure to unearth hidden strengths and talents and transform classrooms into havens of creativity, empathy, and effective teaching that captivates young minds.
Learn more about Idaho's Child Care Workforce, including demographics, turnover, wages, and more!
The Local Market Rates (LMR) are the maximum monthly amounts that the Idaho Child Care Program (ICCP) will pay per child.
Idaho Department of Health and Welfare has authorized IdahoSTARS to accept hybrid pediatric CPR and first aid in addition to fully in-person courses. What qualifies for a hybrid pediatric CPR and pediatric first aid course? A portion of the course is done self-paced online, and students complete in-person hands-on sessions and testing for courses requiring pediatric CPR and other skills.
We are thrilled to announce the opening of applications for the Idaho Pyramid Collaborative 2024-2025, an initiative to foster excellence in early childhood education and promote social-emotional development in young children.
Due to maintenance, RISE and the Child Care Search will be unavailable from Monday, Nov 6 at 6:00 PM until Tuesday, Nov 7 at 12:00 PM.
Earn IdahoSTARS Badges in 8 Early Childhood Education (ECE) specialty areas and receive a certificate and a $100 financial recognition (for up to two badges). Badges are a recognition of completed professional development that consists of both LEARNING (gaining knowledge of early learning content) and DOING (putting this knowledge into action).