Monthly News and Updates from IdahoSTARS


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The State Plan serves as the State Lead Agency’s (IDHW) application for a three-year cycle of CCDF funds. It is the primary mechanism the Office of Child Care uses to determine Lead Agency compliance with the statute and regulation requirements.

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Earn IdahoSTARS Badges in 8 Early Childhood Education (ECE) specialty areas and receive a certificate and a $100 financial recognition (for up to two badges). Badges are a recognition of completed professional development that consists of both LEARNING (gaining knowledge of early learning content) and DOING (putting this knowledge into action).

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IdahoSTARS badges recognize your expertise in early childhood education. Earn points through certification, training, Targeted Technical Assistance (TTA), employment history, and/or coaching cycles. Applications will close on June 15th, 2023 and will reopen October 1, 2023.

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The uncertainties of the COVID-19 pandemic have challenged early childhood programs and schools to transform the ways that they connect with, teach, and support children and families. Children experience stress and can often exhibit challenging behavior as a result. Learn how to support child experiencing stress.

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Mientras que la necesidad primaria de conexiones sociales de un bebé se satisface a través del vínculo y la conexión con los/las cuidadores/as primarios/as. L@s niñ@s pequeñ@s también empiezan a crear relaciones sociales fuera de sus familias interactuando con otros niños de su edad, lo que ayuda a l@s niñ@s a madurar en su capacidad de relacionarse socialmente.

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We know that children need people who care about them, listen, and that they can turn to for advice and help. Learn about the Protective and Promotive Factors that support children in creating strong social connections!

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April is Child Abuse Prevention Month! This is a time for families and communities to come together to promote awareness and prevention of child abuse and neglect. It is everyone’s responsibility to ensure the safety and well-being of our children and to make our communities a healthy place for children and families to thrive.

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The Center on Disabilities and Human Development has developed a great resource for young families dealing with the stress of the pandemic, the Act Early Idaho COVID-19 Resiliency Toolkit. There are multiple resources for both parents and children on everything from child development to stress management.