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The State Plan serves as the State Lead Agency’s (IDHW) application for a three-year cycle of CCDF funds. It is the primary mechanism the Office of Child Care uses to determine Lead Agency compliance with the statute and regulation requirements.
We are thrilled to announce the opening of applications for the Idaho Pyramid Collaborative 2024-2025, an initiative to foster excellence in early childhood education and promote social-emotional development in young children.
Earn IdahoSTARS Badges in 8 Early Childhood Education (ECE) specialty areas and receive a certificate and a $100 financial recognition (for up to two badges). Badges are a recognition of completed professional development that consists of both LEARNING (gaining knowledge of early learning content) and DOING (putting this knowledge into action).
IdahoSTARS badges recognize your expertise in early childhood education. Earn points through certification, training, Targeted Technical Assistance (TTA), employment history, and/or coaching cycles. Applications will close on June 15th, 2023 and will reopen October 1, 2023.
Do you enjoy an IdahoSTARS program? Do you have an idea about how to make our work better? We want to hear from you!
Our IdahoSTARS health consultant shares summer safety information for children, including water safety, sun protection, air quality considerations, playground safety, transportation (hot car safety), and hydration.
Muchos niños necesitan estructura en su día, y necesitan algunas reglas a seguir. Cuando el juego es simplemente un "gratis para todos" sin rutinas o pautas para que los niños las sigan, a menudo se angustian y actúan mal. Cuando llegan a este punto, las consecuencias para ambos pueden ser bastante terribles.
Many children need structure in their day, and need some rules to follow. When play is simply a “free for all” without routines or guidelines for children to follow, they often times become distressed and act out. When they reach this point, the consequences for both caregiver and child can be terrible.
Es beneficioso para l@s adult@s y niñ@s salir al aire libre y disfrutar del aire fresco y el calor del sol del verano. El juego activo al aire libre fomenta un peso corporal saludable, unos huesos fuertes y el desarrollo muscular. También hay oportunidades para el desarrollo social y emocional. Las actividades al aire libre aumentan la oportunidad de establecer relaciones con los demás. Estar activo al aire libre puede ayudar al/la niño/a a reducir la ansiedad y la irritabilidad, lo que ayudará a reducir los comportamientos desafiantes en el interior.
El juego al aire libre es recomendado para l@s niñ@s. En general, a l@s niñ@s no se les tiene que enseñar a jugar, solo necesitan tener la oportunidad de jugar. ¿Cuáles son los beneficios de jugar al aire libre? Aquí hay algunos...