Versión en Español
COVID-19 Contingency Plan
We are working hard to maintain continuity for our children and families while maintaining adherence to public health advisories. We have developed a staged plan of response that is based on what we know about COVID-19.
Phase 1 What we know is that like all other viruses the most effective way to reduce spread is to actively practice proper handwashing, cough etiquette and staying home when sick.
Phase 2 Reducing exposure in large groups. This phase will be implemented immediately if there is a positive test of an individual with COVID-19 in the surrounding area.
Phase 3 – Closure. This phase will be implemented if ordered by public health officials or if there is a report of exposure by staff or child to COVID-19. Every effort will be made to give notice of this but we are limited to the timeframes in which were are informed of requirements.
The most challenging aspect of this issue is the feeling of complete lack of control. There are some things that we can all do to maintain our health and the health of others:
As always, we are committed to our staff and families and will do everything we can to ensure continuity and a safe, healthy place for your child(ren). Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.