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COVID times are hard times. You and your family face stressors that none of us imagined. In the midst of our adult responsibilities, we can forget that children are also experiencing extraordinary stress. Their world, too, has been upended. What can we do to stay strong? And how can we help our children stay healthy and well?
Our friends at Ready for Kindergarten- Idaho pointed us toward this great article that widens math skills while reading great books!
While we all need reminders to slow down from time to time, some days are just so packed that there are only a few spare minutes to connect with the children we care for. Make a point of taking time to connect with every child in your care each day using these 10 quick tips.
Screening tools can offer families and early childhood professionals reassurance that a child’s development is on track – or signal that a child might need additional evaluation and support.
The simplest of activities can promote stimulation and growth as children explore their world.
"After several years as a preschool teacher, I became tired of saying 'No,' so I decided to create a Yes! environment."
Make your own Puffy Paint with these simple ingredients.
Effective, engaging interactions and environments form the foundation for all learning in early childhood settings.
For young children, there are four stages of drawing and writing that you may see as they go and develop.
Make giant bubbles with the following ingredients.