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IdahoSTARS badges recognize your expertise in early childhood education.
The Center on Disabilities and Human Development has developed a great resource for young families dealing with the stress of the pandemic, the Act Early Idaho COVID-19 Resiliency Toolkit. There are multiple resources for both parents and children on everything from child development to stress management.
As of January 12th, Child Care Providers have been moved up to be included among essential workers that are eligible to receive a COVID-19 Vaccine. Find out more about how to register yourself and/or your staff!
Using real-world examples from classrooms in Idaho and incorporating lessons learned from currently practicing teachers we will share a toolkit for supporting high-quality outdoor classrooms.
Celebrating holidays in early childhood programs can bring joy to children, staff and families and can strengthen relationships between programs and the families they serve, but it can also be an unintentional way of excluding some families. We want to encourage children to see how they are the same and different from their peers. One way to begin this process might be to introduce books about different holidays celebrated around the world during these winter months.
Learn about how to change your facility's environment and activities to include all children with diverse needs and abilities.
December 5th Time: 9-11 am PT / 10-12 pm MT Cost: Free (You must register by Dec 3rd.)
We’re living through unprecedented and challenging times and it’s more important than ever to practice gratitude. Teaching and practicing gratitude in children at a young age can help them grow up to be happier adults. Read more about strategies that can help inspire gratitude.
COVID times are hard times. You and your family face stressors that none of us imagined. In the midst of our adult responsibilities, we can forget that children are also experiencing extraordinary stress. Their world, too, has been upended. What can we do to stay strong? And how can we help our children stay healthy and well?
As a childcare provider, are you aware of the potential lead dangers that may be lurking in your childcare facility? National Lead Poisoning Prevention week is October 25th to 31st and exists to prevent childhood lead exposure!
No caregiver ever wants an accident to happen. Here are some tips to help avoid some of the most common and critical injuries that can happen in an early care and education setting.